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You will find here a list of industry journals and portals from around the world.
We remind you that each affiliated company is entitled to discount for advertising in selected titles.
 industry magazines 
 information portals 
 interesting sites 
 Great Britain
Steel On The Net is an
international iron and steel industry news and information portal run from the UK. The
website offers worldwide news, data, statistics and reports for steel industry...

Editor in Chief: Andrew M. Kotas


4metal Lifestyle Magazine
During 10 years of our activity, the 4metal platform has become the most recognisable
source of information for the companies who search for subcontractors or industry
information. We hope that thanks to it we will reach the people who have not...

Editor in Chief: Agnieszka Musiałczyk
Foundation Year: 2012
Printed circulation: 5000
FAKTY Magazyn Gospodarczy
Editor in Chief: Mariusz Gryżewski
Foundation Year: 2002
Printed circulation: 18000
Instytut Doskonalenia Produkcji

Institute for Manufacturing Excellence (IDP) is a non-profit organization, bringing
together the best specialists in the field of production and management. The main
purpose of the IDP is to provide solutions for a mindset change of the...

Kwartalnik Techniczny OBRÓBKA METALU
Foundation Year: 2010
Printed circulation: 3500
5% discount on advertising with 4metal card.

This scientific technical monthly magazine is intended for design and production
engineers, contractors and manufacturers. Available in subscription or online:

Subjects covered: design, tool engineering,...

Editor in Chief: Prof. Stanisław Adamczak
Foundation Year: 1909
Printed circulation: 3400

Nowa Stal
Editor in Chief: Andrzej Michalski Stępkowski
Foundation Year: 2011
Printed circulation: 3000
15% discount on advertising with 4metal card.
Ochrona przed Korozją
"Corrosion Protection" includes scientific and technical publications, as well as practical
tips and advice on issues dealing with corrosion protection. The journal is mainly
addressed to experts specialising in corrosion, i.e.: - corrosion protection...

Editor in Chief: Małgorzata Zubielewicz
Foundation Year: 1958
20% discount on advertising with 4metal card.
Poland Export

The main objective of the website is to promote Polish
companies on the markets of the world. Information on companies is presented in a clear
and understandable manner in the most popular languages. The effectiveness of...

Polish Market

Polish Market – Economic Magazine is a
magazine promoting Poland, it has Economy, companies, regions, science and...

Foundation Year: 1996
Printed circulation: 10000
20% discount on advertising with 4metal card.

Przegląd Odlewnictwa
Journal of the Polish Foundrymen’s Association Founded in 1937, is the official organ
of the Polish Foundrymen’s Association. It is a monthly journal and the only
scientific-technical journal in Poland concerning foundry practice. It is printed in...

Editor in Chief: Tadeusz Franaszek
Foundation Year: 1937
Printed circulation: 600
20% discount on advertising with 4metal card.
Przegląd Spawalnictwa
Editor in Chief: Tomasz Chmielewski
Foundation Year: 1928
Printed circulation: 2000
20% discount on advertising with 4metal card.
Służby Utrzymania Ruchu
Editor in Chief: Przemysław Ozga
Foundation Year: 2006
Printed circulation: 4000
Stalowe Forum
Foundation Year: 2006
20% discount on advertising with 4metal card.
Editor in Chief: Prof. Jerzy Łunarski
Foundation Year: 1993
Printed circulation: 300
10% discount on advertising with 4metal card.
Комплект: «ИТО: инструмент, технология, оборудование»
Editor in Chief: Воеводов Анатолий Анатольевич
Editor in Chief: Мощенко Григорий Федорович
Экспозиция Машиностроение Металлообработка Сварка
Editor in Chief: Шарафутдинов Ильдар Набибович
Энергетика. Промышленность. Регионы.
Editor in Chief: Котеленец Дмитрий Владимирович
Editor in Chief: Ing. Dana Tretiníková
Foundation Year: 2003
Printed circulation: 15
10% discount on advertising with 4metal card.
Editor in Chief: Ing. Dana Tretiníková
Foundation Year: 2008
Printed circulation: 6000
5% discount on advertising with 4metal card.
Metal Finishing News

Introducing the MFN (Metal Finishing News) Organization MFN (Metal Finishing
News) is a magazine specialized in peening, blasting, mass finishing and cleaning. It
distributes over 5400 copies to sixty-seven countries. In addition, it maintains a...

 The Czech Republic
Control Engineering Česko
Editor in Chief: Milan Katrušák
Foundation Year: 2006
MM Průmyslové Spektrum

MM Průmyslové spektrum is a technical magazine for the management in the Czech
industry.MM Průmyslové spektrum presents plenty of up-to-date information from
industry and reports on new trends and trade fairs etc., not only from the Czech...

Editor in Chief: Ing. Roman Dvořák
Foundation Year: 1997
Printed circulation: 11000
5% discount on advertising with 4metal card.

Řízení a údržba průmyslového podniku
Editor in Chief: Lukáš Smelík
Foundation Year: 2008
Printed circulation: 2500
T+T Technika a trh
Editor in Chief: Ing. Aleš Vítek
Foundation Year: 1991
Printed circulation: 8000
Metal Expert

Metal Expert provides original, independent global steel news, price quotations.We
produce analytical reports and provide consultancy services.

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